The following pictures are ones I took in Saigon during 1967 and 1968 of the every day life. You would never know that a War was raging outside the city.
The fruit market
Family coming to Town
The crowded streets
Pottery Factory Flower Market
The Sidewalk Vendors
Young Couple on Moped
Going Shopping
Going to Work
Life in the Villages
Life in Grass Huts
Working in the Rice Paddies
Working in the Field
Life on the Saigon River
These pictures are just a few of the many I have that have never before been seen by anyone and are part of History. Hope you enjoyed them.
It's been awhile since I've been writing but I have been busy for the last 7 months working on my latest book. This one has been a long time coming but I have finally finished it. The book is now in the final editing stages and will be released this coming Veterans Day 2013 and dedicated to my friends who never made it home.
This final book of my life in the Nam is a compelling story of my time spent there complete with the pictures that go with the stories. The book has close to 300 pages for your enjoyment along with the pictures that I took while there.
The longest process of this book was the processing of over 200 slides that I had to turn into pictures and bring back to life. These slides were stored in my parents attic for over 30 years and I had totally forgot about them until my parents death and the house was cleaned out. This book means everything to me and I wish my parents were still here to share this project with me.
So I hope you check out or Kindle come November and order your copy.
Happy Reading
Steve Weathers - aka VietnamVet68