Nilla Thorn landing in Saigon 1968
The USO Girls of Vietnam
They came to us to bring a smile
Always in danger as they put on there show
Those were the girls of the USO
They all chose to come here
To lift our spirits and make us smile

Each one brought there special gift
If you weren't able to see them
The Radio waves would spread the news
That the girls were here to take away your blues
If only for a little while, they would make you smile
If you were lucky enough to see the show
Two hours of happiness
Was worth two years in the Nam

They would bring a short reprieve
The sight of a beautiful girl from the USA
Raquel Welch, Connie Stevens and Suzanne Pleshette
We remembered fondly what they wore

Just to put a smile on a weary sole
With a heart of Gold and jokes galore
Theye entertained us one and all
But now those years have passed us on by
And your faces still linger on in my mind
You have left us now in Gods grace
So accept my thanks for the memories
Thanks for all the memories

Bob Hope

Racquel Welch
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